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Gary Mayes
3 min read
Finding Your Writing Process
If you are a leader, you are in the communication business. That means, you need a process for putting thoughts into writing. Here's mine.
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Gary Mayes
Jun 6, 2023
Your Sabbatical Can be Healthy for Your Whole Organization
A healthy sabbatical offers an organization--not just a leader--powerful opportunities to take new ground.

Gary Mayes
May 30, 2023
Navigating the 4 Phases of a Sabbatical
Four phases are common to a good sabbatical experience, but each one is fraught with temptations that can sabotage the best of intentions.

Gary Mayes
May 24, 2023
Building Your Sabbatical Plan
There is no magic plan or secret formula for a great sabbatical. However, there is no great sabbatical without a plan.

Gary Mayes
May 16, 2023
OFF-RAMPS and ON-RAMPS: The Hidden Secret of a Healthy Sabbatical
A Sabbatical can be an amazing gift, but your your off-ramp from everyday life can ruin it before you start.

Gary Mayes
May 10, 2023
Healthy Sabbaticals Start Here:: GET CLEAR ABOUT YOUR WHY
If your thinking about a sabbatical, this is the place to start.

Gary Mayes
Nov 17, 2022
When Your Scaffolding Won’t Support You
A strange thing catches people off guard as they get older. The rhythms and practices of self-care that used to support our well-being...

Gary Mayes
Dec 17, 2021
How Do I Lead into the Unknown?
I’ll bet you’ve joked, “Is that a light at the end of the tunnel or an oncoming train?” Leading the way through times of uncertainty...

Gary Mayes
Nov 4, 2021
Rest Before You Need It
You ever noticed that we equate rest with laziness and glamorize exhaustion as a symbol of significance? I sat with a group of pastors...

Gary Mayes
Jun 3, 2021
The Power of ONE THING
Every day every leader must find a way to cut through the fog and the clamor of the urgent in order to focus their attentions on what...

Gary Mayes
Apr 22, 2021
Overcoming Vision Paralysis
If you’ve read my recent posts on vision, you’ve heard me say I think Vision is a subject that has gone out of vogue among leaders. I...
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