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Gary Mayes
3 min read
Finding Your Writing Process
If you are a leader, you are in the communication business. That means, you need a process for putting thoughts into writing. Here's mine.
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Gary Mayes
Jun 20, 2023
Finding Your Writing Process
If you are a leader, you are in the communication business. That means, you need a process for putting thoughts into writing. Here's mine.

Gary Mayes
Jun 6, 2023
Your Sabbatical Can be Healthy for Your Whole Organization
A healthy sabbatical offers an organization--not just a leader--powerful opportunities to take new ground.

Gary Mayes
Jul 21, 2022
Mentoring: What if it isn't hard?
I think most of us have been conned into thinking that mentoring is hard. That somehow being a successful mentor is beyond the reach of...

Gary Mayes
Jan 13, 2022
It’s Time to Give Away Power
I want to talk about power. No, not the dark side of power nor all the abuses that flow from it—a good topic for another day—but the...

Gary Mayes
Oct 28, 2021
How Can I Build Trust?
Does it seem to you like we live in a moment when trust of leaders is at a real low? In politics we are more suspicious than ever. In the...

Gary Mayes
Mar 18, 2021
Turn Supervision Into Empowerment
The org chart says you are the boss, the supervisor, the one responsible for managing your people. But, your heart says leading these...

Gary Mayes
Jan 5, 2021
Influence is a big deal. It is honorable. It matters. And, here at the beginning of a new year, I would guess that most of us are...

Gary Mayes
Dec 2, 2020
My 2020 Book of the Year
If a book is good, I don’t just read it. I have a conversation with it. I write comments, questions, and actionable ideas in the margins....

Gary Mayes
Oct 26, 2020
EVERYONE is a Volunteer
If the power of a paycheck is such a big lever, why is managing people so challenging?

Gary Mayes
Oct 20, 2020
PASSING THE BATON: # 1 // You Can’t Unring the Bell
How do you know when the time is right to hand off the baton of leadership to your successor? What are the signs that you’ve stayed too...
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