Gary Mayes
Jun 20, 2023
Finding Your Writing Process
If you are a leader, you are in the communication business. That means, you need a process for putting thoughts into writing. Here's mine.
It's risky. It's demanding.
It's one of life’s great honors.
But, very few of us were trained to do it well.
aboutLEADING delivers insights and tools for the trenches of real life and leadership.
Leadership is complicated, I get it.
You and I face expectations that seem to change every day. If we rely on the skills and insights that worked in the past, we'll head down the clear pathway toward irrelevance. Yet, trying to learn all we need on our own is too slow and usually painful.
I've been in leadership roles for 50 years and training other leaders for 40 of them--yikes that makes me feel old. I've learned that, far too often, leadership feels like, "walking naked into the land of the unknown!" **
Somehow, the combination of the right mentors at the right time helped me grow to meet the expanding demands of leadership I faced. I'd like to help you in the same way. I can't imagine anything more rewarding than helping you thrive in the trenches where real life collides with the complexities of effective leadership.
I created aboutLEADING as a platform to give away what I've learned through the decades. Whether you're best served by insights through a blog post or the empowerment of a downloadable tool, accessing all that aboutLEADING has to offer is as easy as 1-2-3.
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Access the free and "nearly free" resources I've created to empower you.
If you find yourself facing a puzzle you can't solve or in need of outside perspective, contact me. I am available for a limited number of online and in person coaching or speaking appointments.
(** "Walking naked in the land of the unknown," is a quote from Robert Quinn, in his book, Deep Change.)